The Holidays

the holidays area challenging time for those who suffer from chronic illness. There are many activities, parties, shopping, decorating, wrapping, etc. there is still the expectation that we are able to do all of these things. It is important that we pace ourselves. It is too hard to do things in a mad rush so piecemeal things out. Create a list of things that need to be done and cancel things that really don’t need to be done. Give yourself ample time to complete each task. We want to enjoy the holidays not send ourselves into a pain Spiral. It is important that we don’t live up to the expectations of others. We must keep to the expectations that we have of ourselves. Every task completed is an achievement.

if we need to have a holiday dinner catered, then Do so. Host a potluck dinner where everybody brings a dish. Order in something that isn’t holiday like at all. These options will eliminate stress from preparations and expectations. It also lessens the amount of work that you have to do and you can just sit back and enjoy.

it is also OK to say no. It may be difficult for you to attend a multitude of holiday parties. It may be that the hosts and some of the guests will not understand why you were not able to make it. But that is OK. It is important that you maintain your pain levels and not overexert yourself. They will just have to understand, or not, but that is not your problem. It is essential that you keep your illness as the priority, not what other people think.

as for wrapping presents, there are many options available. Gift bags are a great idea. They are reusable and easy for one to present a beautiful package. It also alleviates possible pain spikes from working so hard at wrapping a present. You can also give charitable donations in the name of the recipient. This can be done over the Internet, which alleviates having to navigate your way through a mall. It also is a thoughtful way to give during the holiday season.

most importantly, remember to enjoy yourself. Forgive yourself for the things that you were unable to do, due to your chronic illness. These are just a few suggestions in order to make things easier during the holiday season. I am sure that you all have your own coping strategies and that is great.

have a wonderful holiday season!

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