Yolanda Foster-I Hear Ya!!!

It is Summer Time and we all need a little easy viewing. Binge watching TV shows is a great way to distract yourself from a day when you feel; either too much pain or fatigue to do anything else. Watching The Real Housewives Franchise shows is one way to go. I find watching these “privileged white girl” problems, makes me feel much better about my own life.

However, for those of you who completely balk at reality TV; watching this season of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, you will see one of us. Yolanda Foster has our story line. It is interesting to see a fellow “Painie” who has all the resources in the world, suffer the same way as us regular folk.

For those of us who live with Invisible Illness and are not believed it is kind of comforting to know that we are not alone.

This season is covering Yolanda’s battle with Lyme Disease and the possibility of another Invisible Illness – that has left her exhausted, foggy brained, weak, isolated and looking for answers.

Watching how the other ladies gossip about how “Real” her illness is enlightening. Here are some of the questions that come up from last season. Any of them sound familiar to you?

  • Is she just depressed and seeking attention?
  • Why does she post photos of herself well and then sick? That should mean of course that she is lying right? I mean why would any of us want to post a picture of ourselves on a good day? That one well day that we treasure so much more than healthy people may discount all the real days no-one sees.
  • Why would she go to lunch with someone during the day and then NOT go to dinner at night? I mean why would the full energy used to be able to drag yourself out of bed for a few hours during they day, mean that you can’t party all night – when pain is at its worst.
  • Does she have Munchausen Syndrome? Doing all of this to get attention…..of course……that must be it.
  • What is really going on????? I mean if Yolanda had the answer, I’m sure that she would give it. But she too doesn’t know all that is wrong with her.
  • Her marriage ended…..that must have been the cause of her illness, not the other way around…..Huh????

My suggestion; if you can’t watch the shows, at the very least read the cast blogs. It is truly enlightening to a new Painie who is learning to navigate the new relationships with people, post pain. It is somewhat “bonding” for us old Painies who are either going through this or have with our family, friends and strangers.

For those of you who have speculated on someone’s pain or illness, this might give you some insight. Especially, into how deeply insulting, upsetting and hurtful it is for the Painie to be spoken about in such a way. It is hard enough to live in pain/fatigue every day. It certainly doesn’t help when those who are supposed to support you in times of need, doubt you. Taking a moment to see the profound effect those thoughts, conversations and speculations have on a Painie, might give one pause, to not do so.

Below is a link, please click on it and take a peek……..

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills – Blogs

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